When you are looking forward to assistance from your vehicle insurance in case of an accident, you need to remember that it needs to have the premium paid. With the steps taken to make car insurance in Abu Dhabi mandatory, it is required that the car insurance gets renewed every year. With an initiative taken on improving the infrastructure and traffic flow in Abu Dhabi, the Department of Transport in Abu Dhabi announced the implementation of road assistance to the motorists for free.
Around September, the announcement stated that motorists getting involved in small road accidents are not needed to worry about spending their money on immediate vehicle repairs. Thus, this will enable free off-road assistance from the Department. There will also be the availability of aid to mechanical or technical failures around the clock.
To assist their services, the motorists need to call 80088888 or 999. According to the Department, the road service patrol will include towing the car on the road and moving it to a safer location. This will ensure the driver’s safety and will enable a smoother traffic flow. This service will allow for providing roadside assistance to vehicles that are broken down. The benefits include tire changing, topping up and jumpstarting the coolant and fuel, battery condition. It also involves taking your car to the nearest petrol station.
There will also be the availability of services that provide first aid to victims during an accident and assist the police during the road crash.
How to avail of these services?
One of the most crucial things to do is call the police on 999, irrespective of where you belong within the UAE. Inform them about the accident, the location you are in and wait for further assistance. It should be kept in mind that no traffic accident in the UAE should go unreported.
In case of a minor accident, make sure to move your car to the shoulder lane to avoid traffic blockage. Wait for the police to come. For those injured during the accident, it is suggested to leave your vehicle involved in the accident and wait for the ambulance to arrive.
Even after this free service, it is still a better choice to have car insurance available in Dubai. A reliable, comprehensive insurance policy from a trusted organization like Policyhouse can help bear the cost of your vehicle at times of an accident.
This is considered one of the most vital decisions that the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport has recently encountered. This will help in managing the traffic for a road accident and help at improving the conditions of road safety across the country. Therefore, it’s undoubtedly one of the best steps taken by the government.
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